Saturday 4 December 2010


“ Since all human actions obey laws, as fixed as those of geometry, psychology should be studied in geometrical form, and with mathematical objectivity”-Spinoza

     In one of the session at BSE the instructor told that 'when I look at 2+2=4 I wont feel neither happy nor sad ,I wont wish that it should be more or something else'. As I was not interested in the subject he was telling (Technical analysis) I tried to take the impression to him and whatever he was telling . I tried to hate and dismiss it but I was not able to leave that thought for 2-3 days .Then it  stuck me as a  pleasant surprise. That thought taught me about looking at the things objectively more that any thing else and I think that was the best lesson I learnt from the whole course .
      Everybody criticize  and abuse politicians and bureaucrats for  taking bribes but if our relative works in income tax, revenue or railways we will consider all that money as a legitimate earnings ( which is evident from the huge devories they get).Most of the people accept that terrorism is evil but if you take in south tamilnadu many people support LTTE and in many  states many people support naxalites and extremists when it is useful for them.
     If I say ' mera bharat mahan' is a stupid slogan and India is not great in any way, say compared to America many people instead of objectively thinking on what basis we can call India is great , FEEL bad about it and try to take false pride on the saying it.In the same way if someone say most of the sharukh movies are dumb all sharukh fans will feel bad and others feel happy instead of thinking about the fact objectively.
     So Whenever we face any problem or take decision  we should think objectively ,statistically and mathematically towards solution , instead of mixing feeling's with it.

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