Friday 19 November 2010

10 things that I like or like to do

1) Reading books with high intellectual content like Ayn Rand ( or ) with no intellectual content at all like Scott Adams

2) Watching movies which are high brainier's like Amir Khan and RGV ( or ) no brainier's like Akshay kumar and Rajendra prasad

3) Taking decisions by carefully analyzing all the alternatives ( or ) doing things instantaneously and impulsively without thinking.

4)Investing in rock study companies which won't not get affected by  any adverse economic trends ( or ) highly speculative companies which may either go bankrupt or become strong companies over time.

5) Working extremely hard to complete the assignments when the work is interesting ( or ) trying to avoid work by hook or crook when it is boring.

6) Being extremely loud and noisy with friends ( or ) extremely silent and decent with colleagues.

7) Buying Products of the companies which will charge huge prices compared to the competitors and continue to increase their prices like Apple and Nike ( or ) companies which sell products for the least prices and continue to decrease prices with their efficiency like Big Bazar and Airtel.

8) Watching or wearing Colors which cause pleasure to senses like white ( or ) which will show strength like black.

9) Observing People who take the work so seriously and try to achieve perfection in every aspect like Sachin, Ayn Rand and Amir ( or )  who wont even care about their work like Sehvag or RGV.

10) Listening  to the Melodious  and classic music like Illayaraja ( or ) trendy and western music like AR Rehman and shakira.

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