Monday 8 November 2010

Free advice

     "Success is achieved by development of our strengths, not by elimination of our weakness." - Marilyn Vos Savant
     In our interaction with people we will get a lot of free advices without even asking for it and Most of the time the persons who are giving the advice will not be having any real knowledge on the problem which doesn't stop them exhibiting their wisdom .In my experience I understand that following free advice is the most expensive mistake we can do.

     As a knowledge workers everyone of us would go through a lot of appraisal in which we typically get feedback like ' you have done good in X (some technical work) and bad  in Y (some documentation) so next time concentrate more on the job Y, which you did bad'. In the same way from our childhood day we always get advice to concentrate on the subjects which we scored less. By doing which we can neither enjoy nor get expertise in both.Till now I haven't been to any appraisal in which my manager says continue to work more on what you are good , because of which I think most of the appraisals I attended are in fact useless.
      If you take in cricket Zaheer has the best in-swinger ,when he started his career our esteemed experts and commentators used to say  Zaheer should learn out-swingers. when he was out of form he used to try that and became a mediocre bowler and gone out of cricket for many years. same thing happened to Nehra and Irfan when they tried to learn in-swing and pace.
     We may ignore these free advices but they will in-fact effect in our sub-consciousness and will strike when we are down with other problems. So its best to consciously reject  them when we got than ignoring. So Its my free advice to you all that not to follow any other free advices.

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