Sunday 31 October 2010

My Experiments with Stupidity

     After reading Ayn rand books I used to feel pretty depressed looking at the amount irrational things around me , till I find Dilbert.When I first read "Dilbert the way of weasel" it stuck me so hard that within 6-7 months I read almost everything written by Scott Adams(hmm may be I have too much free time also at that time) . By reading Ayn rand books we can see what is wrong, and if you read Dilbert instead of feeling bad about that you will actually start enjoying it. After reading Dilbert books I never had a dull or bad day as I was petty much surrounded by its characters in live and I feel like I am the only person who actually saw the preview of situations that are coming .
      In one of the comic when asok informs the boss about the project being behind the schedule , he asks him for a daily status update till the situation improves, its really funny to see the same thing repeatedly in my office. Recently I saw the extreme end of this which is hourly status update( I would have gone crazy if not enlightened by Dilbert).
     In another comic Dogbert will say he is planning to kill all the people in elbonia (some third world country) but we don't need to feel guilt as elbonians believe whoever dies in that will get donuts in their after life .When I read that one of  the terrorist who attacked TAJ hotel actually told other terrorist that they don't need to take dinner as they can have it in their Jannath (heaven), I know that Dogbert is right on target. Many comics in Dilbert need deep philosophical knowledge to actually enjoy the comic (I think Dilbert is the second best philosophical content I came across after Ayn rand).
     The strategy which improved my quality of life greatly is 'surviving the meetings'.Before going to any meeting i will clearly define the objective to achieve in the meeting which is almost but not exactly opposite to the objective of the meeting, like how many blunders we can find in some movie (ex. DON)or in  how many ways Sharukh movies are stupider compared to aamir's movies etc. and will try to come to a conclusion by the time meeting ends.
    Dilbert is the best thing I got from working in IT as I would have missed it badly in any other profession .Thank God for Dilbert.

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