Sunday 24 October 2010


     I see many people discussing in media and in general also on end of world on some  particular year or date etc.I can understand the people who are un-educated  discussing it, but I wonder on the number of educated persons discussing about this when actually they can spend time on many useful ways.
     The main flaw in any Apocalyptic argument is it suggests some year, some round number or a fancy number and numbers by themselves doesn't have any meaning . If you take 10 , its two in decimal system, eight in octal system and sixteen in hex-decimal system. and I don't see any reason why god , nature or the universe whatever that's running the world would use decimal system and have a preference to fancy numbers.
     After reading these predictions I did some research (actually googled for 5 mins) and found these top 10 failed  predictions . I think we will see these predictions time to time to solace people who are not able to keep up with the pace of the world . Any way I have a bad news for the people who are enthusiastically waiting for the end of the world as per Mayan calender least till they find another calender :) follow the below links.

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