Monday 11 October 2010

Emotional Atyachar

     Guilt, i think is most dominant emotion used in the world against man. When I first read fountainhead I  understand its true nature of Guilt and started analyzing ,I was surprised to see the amount of Guilt that is filled in the world and only way to achieve happiness in this world is to kill that emotion.Guilt is mainly used against  man to make him feel small and unhappy as the Man with happiness without guilt cannot be ruled.It is evident in the small tussles between friends to abstract religious beliefs.
     Mostly the situation they use to create guilt in us will not even have  remote connection to us but still we feel responsible the them. What you need to know is that the main objective is not to serve the cause but make you feel guilt.Take the case of tiger's(or any species) extinction we are in no way responsible for it, and even if all the tigers/seals/wheals extinct I don't think  it's going impact me or any human being in  any way. If we spend the same money on poor people , the results would be much better. In the same way " Go Green" or global warming problem ( , without any kind of evidence we all made to believe that we are causing global warming.
     We will see mails  and people teaching we need to consume less as in some part of the world people are starving without thinking how will that impact, as a matter of fact if you consume more, it will actually support whole supply chain and create jobs to all of them and will help the people raise out of poverty.
     Not only these what ever gives pleasure to man are vehemently attacked by religions ,politicians, NGO's and masses causing people to think pleasure it self is a sin/guilty.If you don't believe see the attack on Coke, Cigars, Mobile (by NGO's) ,Sex (by Religion), Industrialization and Cars (by environmentalists) Money (Altruism and politics)  . All these things may be diverse in nature but only thing in common is they give pleasure and sense of achievement to the man.
     Without  you making a conscience effort to understand the true nature of these preachings its not possible to escape or raise out of this emotional atyachar.
     Read the following lines form Ellsworth Toohey which is the best antagonist character I have ever seen or read till date, (The main difference between  Atlas shrugged and Fountainhead is that Atlas shrugged lacks a strong antagonist character like Toohey.) so that you can get better understanding of Guilt.

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