Sunday 5 December 2010

Serendipity - II

     (In my previous blog  I thought of writing something else and as always carried away to something else.So I want to continue it here.)

     After attending the session at BSE I formed a theory that some times we should do the things which looks no good at all, as occasionally we may experience the serendipity  of discovering some thing interesting.
     Before joining Infosys I thought I cant stay more than a year in it as I personally don't like companies which restricts employees attire or anything else. But my stay in Infy was really a pleasant surprise ,it probably is the best part in my career in many ways. In the same way most of the time when I plan perfectly and try to do that it may end up as a disaster.So the better thing would be to try as many things as possible and continue what ever works the best. And also whenever you find something is not working we should be able to stop doing that instead of emotionally getting attached to it.
     Because of this theory many times I will commit to do things which i don't like to do and many times they turn out exactly as expected :( but when they work it usually pay off for the things which didn't work

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