Read the following blog carefully as it will save a lot of time for you in the future especially when you are involved in any arguments..
Success of Democracy mainly depends on the people collectivity making right choice as well as correcting the mistakes that were made. But when people have a wrong perception(ideology) about anything which is not based on facts . You expect them to change their mind when you bring on the facts to their notice . This is the main point for any of us having a discussions with others.But the studies suggest that whenever you say any fact which contradicts the ideology of others, instead of changing their mind on that issue, it simply reinforces the belief they already have(which is wrong and contradicting to the fact you said) . I personally know so many people who believes Obama is a muslim and I can see that number of people who believe that is increasing even the facts suggest go through the following link, which explains the studies done on the same. (Uffff I strengthened the belief of the people who think Obama is muslim by contradicting their views:().So next time when some one says the things which are rubbish, save your time by not arguing and reinforcing their beliefs.
Second study is also on the same lines. As I explained in one of my previous blog human beings take decision first and then try to find a reason for supporting the same.So they randomly choose to vote for someone ( or support something) and then try to find a reason for the same . Once the people programmed to think in a particular way its almost impossible to change their thinking no matter how much irrational they are and how many facts you give to support your argument. Every day we see a lot of debates in news channels and even we involve in many discussions but I rarely see any of the participant agreeing to the opponents view. You may think the watchers may be benefiting from this but you will be disappointed even from that as mostly the audience take only the things to reinforce the beliefs they already have(communist will read only communist literature and capitalist will read only capitalist literature etc or take the parts which are useful to them). So if any of you think that discussions on NEWS channels are useful (apart from making money to the the channel) for the country and watchers may be need to rethink. Also I think we can help ourself by saving time on watching the discussions.Now go through the link below
These studies conducted in US which is having better informed people so the results in India would have been much worse.
( The original blog from which, I inspired (ok copied :)) this is hidden some where in the blog find it to have more fun.)
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