Sunday 26 September 2010

Money never sleeps

Today I watched a movie called Wall Street (II) which is quite fantastic for people who are involved with stock markets ,may be not a great watch for other people as the director presumes that knowledge and doesn't try to explain on that front.We may not be able to compare this with the first part but the movie shows the economic situation quite brilliantly.Micheal douglas performance is as fantastic as part I. First half of the movie, bear sterns sellout scenes are quite good but second half especially the peak of the crisis is not captured properly. When you saw the movie you realize that how cinematic  the economic crisis is. It has good beginning ,buildup and a fantastic climax.
When I first saw the first part of the Wall street(1987) in 2007 I just blown away by the characterization and performance of Micheal Douglas. Even though the movie is quite average till the Gekko character enters ,with the entrance of Douglas  the movie will go into another league.I didn't saw in any other movie even remotely portraying a character like Gekko. When he explains with reasons that "the greed is good" not only the characters in the movie but the audience also will become dumb enough to believe so. 


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