Tuesday 21 September 2010

First blog

This is my first blogpost after a long time. As I was in a job which needs little use( too little to quantify say equal to atom) of mind ,so thought of doing something less boring(typing is really boring). This blog is mostly abt my life , my universe and everything abt me. Hmm may be not exactly but I liked the book "life universe and everything" by douglas adams and invested a lot of time in reading it so I am going to keep the same even if it doesn't make any sense.

Importantly I want to keep a trail of my thoughts which are quite random and unpredictable. Let me see how many days I can continue.

I read a lot of books mainly in the philosophical,financial and technical genres . Which I believe are absolutely necessary for any one who want to lead a happy life(I think government should change the education system in this lines :-)).

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