E-books v/s Books
If you wonder why you are not able to complete reading even one e-book while you can comfortably complete many printed books (just like me) following idea (by Nassim Nicholas Taleb) may explain the reason.It may be right on target when it comes to PC's but may change when comes to Ipad or Galaxy tab in which we will get the same feel as reading a printed book.
When people talk about e-books v/s books, they focus on SIMILARITIES between the two (they assumes book=information). I have never heard a user address the large differences between the two, like smell, texture, dimension (3D), color,haptic "feel", physicality of an object. When the same businessman compares his version of an e-reader to another one, he will invariably focus on the small minute DIFFERENCES.
Information is to the reading experience what calories are to a meal. You should consider that you may want to maximize taste, and minimize information ingested (beyond a point), the exact opposite of what the E-reader offers.
(This is the same mistake neophiliacs made when they imagined us ingesting pills in place of classical foods).
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