Tuesday, 15 February 2011

E-books v/s Books

     If you wonder why you are not able to complete reading even one e-book while you can comfortably complete many printed books (just like me) following idea (by Nassim Nicholas Taleb) may explain the reason.It may be right on target when it comes to PC's but may change when comes to Ipad or Galaxy tab in which we will get the same feel as reading a printed book.
     When people talk about e-books v/s books, they focus on SIMILARITIES between the two (they assumes book=information). I have never heard a user address the large differences between the two, like smell, texture, dimension (3D), color,haptic "feel", physicality of an object. When the same businessman compares his version of an e-reader to another one, he will invariably focus on the small minute DIFFERENCES.
     Information is to the reading experience what calories are to a meal. You should consider that you may want to maximize taste, and minimize information ingested (beyond a point), the exact opposite of what the E-reader offers.

     (This is the same mistake neophiliacs made when they imagined us ingesting pills in place of classical foods).
 Nassim Nicholas Taleb

Monday, 17 January 2011

Black or white

     How many of you think Blank money is bad ? Ok I think almost every one thinks it is bad and main reason for it is lack of honesty etc. Now think about the % of tax you honestly pay. I don't think any of us ready to pay even 50% of our income . I shocked when I first heard that in 1970's corporate tax is as high as 93.5% on the income + 8% tax on wealth of individuals (http://www.unescap.org/drpad/publication/journal_7_2/rao.pdf)  How can a person who is taking all the risk(considering the fact that 90% the businesses fail in first year of operation and 90% of the survivors fail within 5years of operation)  and building a business will pay that tax. The reason for Indians having huge black money in swiss bank is the effect that we were the stupidest country for 30-40 years. After learning this my admiration towards tata's and godrej's who built their business honestly even in that kind of environment got multiplied.
      If you read Ayn rand books you will understand that the concept of income tax itself is immoral. The Basic function of  income tax is taking money from competent people by force and distributing it to the  non-competent. Govt can reduce prices of almost everything by 30%(which is collected as tax) by simply removing the Income tax on those goods. Capitalism by Ayn rand a very interesting book , which will explain proper function of Govt. and the principles of laissez faire capitalisam etc.(http://www.aynrand.org/site/PageServer?pagename=reg_ar_capitalism)